【Closed】The Fifth Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Nominations open (Deadline September 20th, 2024)
The Fifth Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize nominations are open from March 27, 2024. Information on the Fifth Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize nominations including the Nomination Guidelines and the Nomination Form is available on the website shown below. The nomination deadline is September 20, 2024.
The Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize, based on the aspirations of Dr. Hideyo Noguchi, who died while conducting research on yellow fever in Africa, is intended to honor individuals who have made outstanding achievements in medical research or medical activities to combat infectious diseases and promote public health in Africa, thereby improving the health and welfare of people living in Africa and, by extension, humanity as a whole. It has been 19 years since the establishment of this prize in July 2006, but infectious diseases are still spreading in Africa, and it is still fresh in our minds that the Covid 19 pandemic has become a common threat to humanity. Under these circumstances, the significance and purpose of this award are becoming increasingly important. In addition, the awarding of this prize coincides with the cycle of the African Development Conference (TICAD), and is one of the important pillars of Japan's assistance for developments of Africa. The Government of Japan will award the Fifth Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize on the occasion of the Ninth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD9), which is scheduled to be held in August 2025. We look forward to receiving your nominations.
Purpose of the Prize
The Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize aims to honour individuals with outstanding achievements in the fields of medical research and medical services to combat infectious and other diseases in Africa, thus contributing to the health and welfare of the African people and of all humankind.
The Prize consists of two categories: Medical Research which honors individual(s) and Medical Services which honors individual(s) and organization(s).
Value of the Award
The Prize consists of a citation, a medal and 100 million yen (equivalent to about one million US dollars).
How to Nominate
Nomination Deadline
September 20th, 2024 (Japan Standard Time)
Nomination Guidelines
English HTML / PDF(371KB)
French PDF(388KB)
(Reference) Dr. Hideyo Noguchi (English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic) PDF(398KB)
Nomination Form
English PDF(218KB)
French (only for Medical Services Category) PDF(144KB)
Supplementary documents format (sample) is attached to the Nomination Form.
Nomination Form in WORD version is available from the Electronic Application System of each category shown below.
Submission Addresses
For medical research nominations, please use the JSPS electronic application system. (If not possible, please put your nomination in MS WORD or PDF format and email it to nh-africa@jsps.go.jp.)
For medical services nominations for the fifth prize, please use the electronic application system in the website of the Medical Services Selection Committee Secretariat.
If not possible, please put your nomination in MS WORD or PDF format and email it to both of the following addresses: noguchiprize@who.int and secretariat@hnaprize.jp. Please note that emailing to only one of the addresses above may result in your application not being processed.
If necessary, nominations may be submitted by postal mail. However, please do not fax your nominations.
Medical Research |
Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Medical Research Selection Committee Secretariat Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) 5-3-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 Japan Tel: +81-3-3263-1872/1869 E-mail: nh-africa@jsps.go.jp |
Medical Services |
Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Medical Services Selection Committee Secretariat WHO Regional Office for Africa (AFRO) Cité du Djoué, P.O.Box 06 Brazzaville, Republic of Congo E-mail: noguchiprize@who.int Supporting Secretariat in Japan (Oscar Japan Co., Ltd. providing consultancy services to WHO AFRO) Neocity Mitaka, 3-35-1 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 181-0013, Japan Tel: +81-422-24-6816 E-mail: secretariat@hnaprize.jp |
For General Information about the Prize
Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize, Cabinet Office
Inquiry form [Comments and Question]