【CLOSED】2013 the Second Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Nominations Open (nomination deadline: July 10th, 2012)

Nominations are closed for the Second Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize on July 31st, 2012. We appreciate for your kind cooperation.

The second Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Awarding Ceremony will be held in June 2013. The Prize consists of two categories: Medical Research and Medical Services. For more details about nominations, please read “How to nominate?”


How to Nominate

Nomination Deadline

July 10th, 2012

Nomination Guidelines

HTML Version  / PDF Version(160.65KB)open PDF in a new window

Nomination Form

PDF Version(closed)

MS Word Version(closed)

For Inquiries

Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize, Cabinet Office
Inquiry Form
Tel: +81 -3-5501-1745


Please fill inHIDEYO NOGUCHI AFRICA PRIZE NOMINATION FORMPDF Version/MS Word Version following the instructions of Nomination Guidelines. Please send by e-mail your nomination form to the following e-mail address  (in either MS Word or PDF format) according to the category. You can also send your nomination form by post to the address as below. However, submissions via fax are not accepted.

Medical Research Category

Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Medical Research Selection Committee
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

8 Ichibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-8472
Homepage (closed)

Medical Services Category

Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Medical Services Selection Committee
Regional Office for Africa, World Health Organization

Cité du Djoué, P.O.Box 06 Brazzaville, Congo

Pictures of the First Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Awarding Ceremony in 2008
Laureates:Prof. Brian Greenwood(left) andProf. Miriam K. Were(right)